About DRA Awards

In today's digital age, the importance of internet and mobile technologies in our daily lives is undeniable. The increasing number of internet and mobile users in India shows the quick growth of the digital ecosystem. Despite this progress, access to digital technologies is uneven across different regions and demographics.

To address this digital divide and promote inclusive growth, the Digital Responsibility Awards (DRA) have been introduced which aim to recognise organisations that are working to narrow the digital gap in India. Following the principles of the Digital India Programme, the DRA focuses on improving mobile connectivity, electronic service delivery, and universal information accessibility. The DRA also aims to raise awareness about existing digital disparities and encourage a sense of 'digital responsibility' among industry stakeholders. This involves ensuring fair access to digital technology for every citizen of India, promoting sustainable and inclusive digital growth in the long term.

Join us for these awards as we champion a more inclusive and dynamic digital ecosystem for all. Let's collaborate to bridge the digital divide and ensure that digital technologies are accessible and affordable for every citizen in India.

Why Should You Nominate?

Enhanced Reputation:

Receiving a DRA award can significantly enhance an individual's or organisation's reputation. It demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, ethical practices, and sustainable development in the digital realm. This recognition not only resonates with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and investors but also showcases a dedication to making a positive impact on the digital ecosystem.

Industry Leadership:

Nominating oneself for the DRA positions individuals and organizations as industry leaders and influencers in bridging the digital divide. This recognition signifies a commitment to setting high standards and inspires others to follow suit. Being acknowledged by the DRA can lead to increased influence, active participation in industry initiatives, and the opportunity to shape best practices for a more inclusive and vibrant digital ecosystem.

Business Opportunities:

The DRA opens doors to new business opportunities by showcasing proactive initiatives in addressing the digital divide. Recognized individuals and organizations may find increased collaboration, investment interest, and partnership opportunities. The award also attracts socially conscious investors, positively impacting the bottom line and reinforcing the business's commitment to sustainable and inclusive digital growth.

Contributing to Inclusive Growth:

By nominating themselves for the DRA, individuals contribute to inclusive growth within the digital ecosystem. This award recognizes efforts to bridge the digital divide, making digital technologies accessible across various geographies and identities. It aligns with national initiatives like the Digital India Programme and emphasizes a commitment to creating equal opportunities for all citizens, promoting a more inclusive and vibrant digital landscape.
